Make sure your read the screening preparation document carefully.
[pre-screening instructions]Follow up appointments are required to ensure the validity of results.
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[ read more ]What cancer looks like on a thermography scan. This is my patient who is in her late 70’s. The great thing is thermography can see these changes early on when they first start to appear. This gives us a heads up that something could be wrong. We can then address this by looking into our individual symptoms and history thus reversing the situation before it becomes a harmful condition. Every woman over the age of 25 years old should be coming in for thermography screening. Instead of spending lots of money on treatment it’s way more cost-effective to spend on prevention.
[ read more ]One of the most frequent questions I am asked as a clinical thermographer is: “What exactly is the difference between mammography, ultrasound and thermography?” There seems to be some confusion on this subject by thinking that one replaces the other as tests, nothing could be further from the truth.
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